Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) GloFAS update: pre-release of version 4.0 is now available

The pre-release of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) version 4.0 is now available on the GloFAS stage platform.
This upgrade has large impacts on the GloFAS modelling results.
GloFAS 4.0: what’s new
GloFAS v4.0 introduces several major improvements to the system, including:
- Increased spatial resolution: GloFAS v4.0 has 0.05 degrees resolution (~5km), as opposed to all the previous GloFAS versions having 0.1 degrees resolution (~10km).
- An entirely new set of 0.05 degrees resolution input maps produced using the most recent research findings, remote sensing, and in-situ datasets.
- Major improvements to the open-source hydrological model LISFLOOD.
- A new hydrologic model calibration at 1996 in-situ gauging stations. Furthermore, a parameter regionalization was performed to estimate the parameters of catchments for which in situ discharge observations were not available.
- New return period thresholds and snow water/soil moisture anomaly maps based on a climatology from 1980 – 2022. The GloFAS v4.0 river discharge climatology is available at the C3S Climate Data Store.
- Updated GloFAS Seasonal forecasts using the newly calibrated, higher resolution hydrological model
- Increased spatial resolution from 1km to ~90m (3 arc secs) for the flood hazard maps used in the GloFAS rapid flood mapping and impact assessment.
More information about all the improvements introduced in version 4.0 of GloFAS can be found on the dedicated wiki pages that will be updated until its full operational release.
How to access GloFAS v4.0
All users can access the pre-release of version 4.0 through the GloFAS stage platform with their GloFAS user accounts as of 5 July 2023 .
The operational release of GloFAS v4.0 is scheduled on 26 July 2023. GloFAS v3.5 will be maintained in parallel until approximately December 2023.
GloFAS v4.0 data should be considered as experimental until the official cycle release date while some of the GloFAS products only become available in the coming weeks.
How you can help?
Your feedback on the pre-release is greatly welcome! Address your questions and feedback to the CEMS Floods team via the GloFAS contact form.
By Stefania Grimaldi July 5, 2023, 12:48 p.m.